Monday 9 May 2016

Project Vlog Evaluation Questions No 2

Q.2. How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? magazine Project Vlog engages its audience with its colorful photography and up to date news/information with fresh unique insights from a wide array of experts and it threads the middle ground between other magazines of it kind (Oh My Vlog! Being very light hearted and having a jokey light-hearted tone whilst TenEighty Magazine takes a more serious in-depth thought provoking look at things while also being light) thus appealing to both serious readers and hip young millennials .
As a real media text it would be published by Ferozsons Publications and distributed across various bookshops, retailers and newsagents across the city at an affordable price of around 100-150 Rs(rupees) with a probable launch trailer released on YouTube also with self-promotion across various social media networks such as Facebook ,Twitter ,Instagram and Tumblr,etc.

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