Monday 9 May 2016

Project Vlog Evaluation Questions No.1

Q.1 how does your media/product use/challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

A. my magazine Project Vlog follows the codes and convention of other magazines in this genre (internet) such as Oh My Vlog! And TenEighty Magazine it has a vibrant cover, double page spread (about a YouTuber) and a simplistic lined content page

It is targeted to the demographic/social groups of Internet consumers and/or Millennial aged between 18-40 and whilst fun yet informative it also aims to raise awareness about moral, ethical and technical issues that arise from the advances of technology such as piracy, hacking, cyber-bullying ,viruses

For the backdrop of the cover I used a various assortment of obsolete technologies all placed in a pattern on my Dining table. I also used a image of me to advertise the double page spread inside the magazine that you can see very clearly is an article about a internet sensation (me)

this challenges conventions as typically a model woould be displayed on the cover and i did not do this out of stylistic choice and practicallity

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