Sunday 27 September 2015

for those concerned that the magazine research i have done is not relevant

for those concerned that the research i have conducted is not relevant to  my chosen genre must understand that my Genre ,about the internet is quite a recently established one and as such there are very few codes and conventions that can be followed and this allows me creative freedom and stylistic choice but however other magazines in the genre such as TenEighty Magazine and Oh My Vlog! have taken their design influence and aesthetics in many ways from the use of vibrant colours on the pages and an attractive cover that doesn't feature a model to the ease of the content page  and it simplified interface
as we have no pre-existing basis on which to follow and judge this by it is ultimately up to us to decide what kind of image are we trying to create here and thats what i think project vlog is like: a stylish film magazine  but its about the internet ,its technology ,its issues,celebritys,products,production,news,chaos and brilliance
that is why ive chosen to have my majority focus on the film magazines and thats what the other magazines are taking their cues from

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