Sunday 27 September 2015

for those concerned that the magazine research i have done is not relevant

for those concerned that the research i have conducted is not relevant to  my chosen genre must understand that my Genre ,about the internet is quite a recently established one and as such there are very few codes and conventions that can be followed and this allows me creative freedom and stylistic choice but however other magazines in the genre such as TenEighty Magazine and Oh My Vlog! have taken their design influence and aesthetics in many ways from the use of vibrant colours on the pages and an attractive cover that doesn't feature a model to the ease of the content page  and it simplified interface
as we have no pre-existing basis on which to follow and judge this by it is ultimately up to us to decide what kind of image are we trying to create here and thats what i think project vlog is like: a stylish film magazine  but its about the internet ,its technology ,its issues,celebritys,products,production,news,chaos and brilliance
that is why ive chosen to have my majority focus on the film magazines and thats what the other magazines are taking their cues from

Thursday 24 September 2015

film presentation on media analysis no 1

this is the first presentation I've attempted for film magazine analysis
while it does explain the codes and  conventions it doesnt explain it in detail the layout of a film magazine cover                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Film Magazine analysis Presentation no 2 :the survey

for the second presentation i have decided to take a survey/questionnaire of the average audience of a film magazine
I've asked various people through the use of social media including family and friends to participate in taking this survey
in this presentation  you will not only see the questions but also the results and average expectancy of our average audience

Tuesday 22 September 2015

magazine research:film magazine analysis presentation no 3 : analysis film magazine covers

for the previous presentations i have decided to take a look at various film magazines , their histories and the their codes and convention
in this presentation  created a week ago that i only now just discovered  i attempt to make an in-depth analysis on various film magazine covers

Sunday 20 September 2015

Preliminary Task :How to use Adobe Illustrator

For this assignment i had to use the adobe illustrator software and its various features such as pen tool in RGB format.

This is my image before illustrator  
taken at my great-aunts house in July of 2015                                                                                                                                                                                                       this is the image after using the                                                                                             various features of the Illustrator  software like                                                                                  the pen tool to trace my face accurately in order to
                                                                                                     fill it in with different colours
this makes me look like one of those posters from the seventies 
i look like im about to sneeze there

Magazine Assignment Research Update: TenEighty Magazine

Whilst Updating my post And reworking the structuralist layout of my blog i had decided to check  Google for news about my favorite Vlogger Alfie Deyes and in doing so i found  this magazine TenEighty Magazine  an online magazine (with annual print editions) about YouTube and the internet culture and it is Brilliant and  its kicking my project on its head
its beautifully designed , has a kick-ass logo,and a user friendly interface
meanwhile looking at the blog in general  i have to declare that the content is non-existent ,the interface is crap
and also the assignment is giong as well as an oil slick
this forces me to temporarily stop making posts until i get a handle on the situation
its not all that bad though 
my teacher Ms. Alaina Khalid has declared that my class has the crappiest blogs this side of the western hemisphere 
but don't fear i have some sage advice for you:
KEEP CALM AND................

Saturday 19 September 2015

Preliminary Task:Magazine Brief:About Project Vlog/The Content i Want To Write In The Magazine

Project Vlog is a hotspot and party Of Youtube And internet culture; a magazine dedicated to the World's talented video bloggers, musicians, comedians and their legions of fans. Whether it’s a catch-up of the latest going ons or an deep debate of the wider topics, Project Vlog speaks precisely , wisely yet with humour and heart.

Mainstream media doesn’t always understand or fully respect YouTubers and their medium, but we do! Written by a team of veteran media experts and vloggers, Project Vlog will champion, challenge and critique fairly, through reviews,in-depth investigations, opinion pieces and exclusive interviews. We will shine a light on the up-and-coming, reach out and support the community and offer a new platform for discussion.

With our fresh insight Project Vlog is more than just strong, reliable and fun journalism; it is a reflection of the International YouTube community, a publication with its eye on the target and a place to celebrate, debate and discover all that makes this society beat to its own unique rhythm

Monday 14 September 2015

Simplifying the interface : how to find the relevent posts

i have devised a way that will enable people to find the relevant posts i have made on this blog with regards to preliminary task and etc.
 i have tagged each post with labels that when clicked will bring up a list of the relevent posts,
so if you click photoshoot for example all the photoshoots come up

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Fonts:Serif and Sans serif

Why i chose Media Studies ?

I chose media studies since it interest me a lot and I get to learn about all things media. Like how to shoot on the camera which camera angles to use and how to use it. Then i can be able to use the information i have and use it in this subject.

Foundation Portfolio

Brief for Foundation Portfolio
Magazine task ( print )

Main task , The Front page , contents and double-page spread of  a new magazine. All images and text  used in the main task must be original and produced by the candidate.

Monday 7 September 2015

Hello World

                                                                         Hello World
People of the inter-webs.
I'm Hamza Hasan and welcome to my blog where I talk about anything I like from the latest TV shows and movies, to a really Good book and even  about sports and the weather.
I am from BCCG A levels A1, I started this blog because i have deep passion for these subjects and i wanted to share my opinion with the world  at large. I am an A-levels Media studies, Eng lit. and Business studies student. I  want to be a writer-actor when i grow up. I'm a very creative person and have come come up with several  manuscripts. I can express myself  in variety of manners and am great at improvisation. I'm also not half-bad at the karaoke.
I like to have detailed discussions on movies like their backstories and directors and how the movies are made; i know about different films and tv shows which includes from the UK and US from the old era to the modern one.
This is my introduction post i hope you enjoy this blog.