Monday 25 April 2016

Project Vlog:the Final cover

The Project Vlog Final Cover + Double-Page Spread Photoshoot

so the idea for the final shoot is an article on a Youtuber breaking stereotypes and facing adversity
this photoshoot took place in my GArden With My Mother taking the photos and me directing the whole thing from in front of the camera
From lefet to right; Casul cap , book and fancy hat used as props for various styles and poses

photo rejected as it is unfoucused and blurry

me pulling a 'thinking man' pose in a shirt saying genius and inspiration 

casual guys pose photo rejected due to it being out of focus

serious contemplating look side shot

same  pose but full body shot

first attempts at smile looking grim

laughing pose

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Project Vlog Double Page Spread News Article Busted Reunited!

this is my double pages spread for the news articles section of the magazine Project Vlog which is called 'THE GRID'. the image that i have chosen of a record in fron of an albumcover represents the gentre of news im telling and that is music or to be precise an  article on famed Band Busted know for hit songs such as 'Year 3000' ANd 'WHat I Go To ScHool FOr' Reuniting after nearly 6 years to create new music and going on tour with US ROck Band Wheatus and the Fantastic                    Youtuber /Musican Emma Blackery and also goes into some detail about her upcoming EP.
Similar articles were also done recently in other magazines in my genre